After the Love Island 2023 contestants’ parents joined them in the villa, an air of uncertainty and question marks emerged for some couples. Fans are also asking questions about the show when it comes to a new awards ceremony. So, let’s take a look at what the Love Island Grafties are.
The Love Islanders have just days left in the villa but there are still more twists and turns to come from the ITV show. Series 10 sees some strong-looking couples heading towards the final, while cracks are appearing to show within other relationships. Only one couple can be crowned the 2023 winners. But, along the way, they could be in with the chance of winning an award for things outside of their relationship.

What is Love Island Grafties?
In 2023, Love Island is hosting its first-ever Grafties ceremony.
Of course, this has left ITV viewers wondering what the awards ceremony is all about.
Fans will vote for the Islander they think deserves to be the winner of each of the six categories.
The Love Island Grafties was announced after Monday night’s fan-favorite talent show episode on July 24.
Grafties categories
The Love Island Grafties Awards include six categories.
Three nominees will be chosen from to be crowned:
During the week, the Islanders will put on their “best garms,” according to ITV, and attend the awards ceremony on the show.
Love Island Grafties: How to vote
To vote in the Love Island Grafties, head over to the Love Island Instagram page (@loveisland).
The first three categories went live on Love Island’s Instagram Stories on Saturday, July 22.
Each category contains a poll for fans to vote for their winner.
During the final week of season 10, the Grafties winners will be announced.