Sydney Sweeney has had a big few years.
The Euphoria star is one of the most memed people on the planet. She is also on virtually everyone’s list of celebrity crushes.
But with that stardom — and desire — there come a lot of drawbacks. Some of the attention has been downright creepy.
That’s not new. Sydney’s admitting that, as a teen, she considered a breast reduction just to get creeps to ignore her. This was during high school.

Glamour UK‘s in-depth interview with Sydney Sweeney is a solid read overall.
(Even if it does, regrettably, insistently refer to Sydney as Gen Z. Generations are fake and there’s an absurdly wide range for that particular generational cutoff, but you’re never going to convince me that a 1997 baby isn’t a Millennial)
One hot topic among her admirers (using the term loosely) is her breasts. Society as a whole can never be normal about women or, where applicable, their breasts.

“Well, especially when it comes to red-carpet pics and they’re like, ‘Sydney Sweeney displays bust,’ or ‘Sydney Sweeney wears a scandalous dress,’” Sydney noted during the interview.
“I’m like, ‘I’m wearing the exact same dress someone else would be wearing! I just have tits,” she reasoned.
This is a standard problem for anyone with a measurable bust. Dress codes are particularly vile for this. A shirt that’s fine on one girl is a violation on another. Tall girls get into trouble for shorts that are fine on others. Petite girls get into trouble for tops that aren’t violations on curvier classmates. Society is cruel to women, and it starts so early.

“And if someone else is wearing it, they’d be like, ‘Oh, so sleek and so well-mannered.’ Just because I have boobs, it doesn’t change…” Sydney pointed out, trailing off.
“I understand. I get it. It’s your headline,” she reasoned. “And those won’t change because then they won’t get the clicks.” Grim but often true!
However, Sydney affirmed: “Flaunt what you got. Own it. Love them.”

“When I was in high school, I used to feel uncomfortable about how big my boobs were,” Sydney recalled. “And I used to say that when I turned 18, I was going to get a boob job to make them smaller.”
She continued: “And my mom told me, ‘Don’t do it. You’ll regret it in college.’ And I’m so glad I didn’t. I like them. They’re my best friends.”
Sydney then strongly emphasized: “Everybody’s body is beautiful. When you are confident and you’re happy within is when it really shows to other people.”

While in high school, Sydney would wear oversized sweatshirts in an effort to downplay her developed figure. It’s not just that boys can be gross; grown men can and will catcall and sexualize girls who are that age and much younger.
“I went through that process of covering my body up at such a young age, but once I became more confident with myself, [it changed],” Sydney conveyed.
She expressed: “I want to show girls that it’s amazing and beautiful and empowering to have the bodies that we have.”

Some have accused her of hypocrisy for resenting people being weird about her boobs, yet for still wearing low-cut swimsuits and the like on Instagram. That’s not really hypocrisy, but it’s definitely a different reaction than she had as a teen.
“I definitely keep my social media focused towards the work that I’m doing and sprinkle in a little bit of myself in there,” Sydney said.
“I didn’t go to school to learn politics or social [issues],” she added. “So I don’t think speaking on things that I’m not fully educated on is the correct way to use my social media presence.”