How much mileage can celeb news sources get out of Rihanna and Chris Brown – and what lengths will they go to manufacture it when there’s nothing good? That’s the question we’re asking after peeping up the latest gossip from Star Magazine.
The publication claims, verbatim:
“The leaked police photo of Rihanna’s battered face stunned and horrified the world. But Star has learned that the pop princess worries that other shocking images could go public – wild sex tapes of her with abusive boyfriend Chris Brown!”
All together now: LOL.

An unreliable celeb gossip source says these two boinked on tape.
“Rihanna has no issues with her sexuality,” reveals a supposed, in-the-know Star insider. “But she’d be mortified if her friends and family found this out!”
Way to blab to Star, then, Mr. or Mrs. made-up anonymous source.
We realize that Rihanna sex tape rumors may help keep a popular story on the front page, but aren’t we all about to OD on all the insanity at some point?
At the very least, you could draw the line at making $h!t up, Star.
The Hollywood Gossip hereby moves that we as a celebrity news community focus our efforts on Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes for a bit. At some point, even Chris Brown deserves a break. Not from the legal system, just from us.