LeBron James shared a breathtaking montage of video clips and photos to his 119 million Instagram followers on April 28, as the NBA great vacations in the stunning Maldives with family and friends. He notably showed off his eye-popping abs and rock-hard physique while wearing particularly clingy (and tiny) swim trunks and sauntering through the shallow water. “Hey Life…… I simply just wanna say, THANK YOU!!” Lebron, 37, captioned the montage, alongside emojis of a regal crown and praying hands.
The clips include footage of the aquamarine beaches from an aircraft, along with a Four Seasons sign, as well as videos of LeBron wading in the crystal-clear water, riding a bike through rows of water suites, raising a glass of wine, and smiling with his family. LeBron’s video seemed to indicate he is staying at the exclusive and luxurious Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru.
His travel companions included his gorgeous wife Savannah James, 35, DJ Bamboozle; Fara Leff of Klutch Sports, and Ernie Ramos, per TMZ. Savannah took to her own Instagram to show off a video and some snaps as well. “The Maldives owes me nothing!! A small snapshot of a trip for the books!!” she wrote, along with emojis of a tropic fish, shell, palm tree, and sun. Savannah’s montage shared similar footage of the luxury hotel’s grounds and their spectacular ride above the resort on a private plane.

The Los Angeles Lakers star and four-time MVP is currently taking some unwanted time off from basketball, as he is not heading to the playoffs — something that’s only happened to him four times over an eighteen-year span in the sport. Still, while he seems to have found a way to grin and bear it, as the post is filled with undoubtedly great memories and incomparable tropical scenery, he’d rather be on the court. “I can/will NOT miss the post season again for my career!” he tweeted on April 22. ‘This s*** HURT. Ok back to watching these games.”