How old is Laurence Tribe? When is Laurence Tribe's birthday? Where is Laurence Tribe born? Where did Laurence Tribe grow up from? What's Laurence Tribe's age?
Laurence Tribe Born: 1941 (age 81years), Shanghai, China
Is Laurence Tribe married? When did Laurence Tribe get married? Who's Laurence Tribe's married to? (Who's Laurence Tribe's husband / wife)?
Laurence Tribe Spouse: Carolyn Ricarda Kreye (m. 19642008)
Does Laurence Tribe have any children? What are the names of Laurence Tribe's children? What are the ages of Laurence Tribe's children?
Laurence Tribe Children: Mark Tribe, Kerry Tribe
How about Laurence Tribe's education?
Laurence Tribe Education: Harvard Law School, Harvard University, Harvard College
How about Laurence Tribe's nationality?
Laurence Tribe Nationality: American
How about Laurence Tribe's notable student?
Laurence Tribe Notable student: Kathleen Sullivan
Is Laurence Tribe conservative or liberal?
What is the average salary for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in the United States? Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School is between $120,946 and $231,201, with an average salary of $170,881.
Is Laurence Tribe still teaching at Harvard?
What is the average salary for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in the United States? Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School is between $120,946 and $231,201, with an average salary of $170,881.
Who is Laurence Tribe constitutional lawyer?
What is the average salary for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in the United States? Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School is between $120,946 and $231,201, with an average salary of $170,881.
How much do Harvard Law professors make?
What is the average salary for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in the United States? Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School is between $120,946 and $231,201, with an average salary of $170,881.