How old is Juan Escovedo? When is Juan Escovedo's birthday? Where is Juan Escovedo born? Where did Juan Escovedo grow up from? What's Juan Escovedo's age?
Juan Escovedo Born: March 13, 1959 (age 64years), Alameda County, California, United States
Juan Escovedo Parents: Pete Escovedo, Juanita Gardere
Juan Escovedo Sibling: Peter Michael Escovedo, Zina Escovedo, Sheila E.
Juan Escovedo Niece: Nicole Richie
Juan Escovedo tours, writes and records both as a solo artist and with his family \u2013 father Pete Escovedo, brother Peter Michael and sister Sheila E. Currently they have a new CD titled \u201cThe-E-Family\u201d which is quickly rising up the charts.