How old is Hazel McCallion? When is Hazel McCallion's birthday? Where is Hazel McCallion born? Where did Hazel McCallion grow up from? What's Hazel McCallion's age?
Hazel McCallion Born: February 14, 1921 (age 100 years), Port-Daniel Gascons, Port-Daniel
Is Hazel McCallion married? When did Hazel McCallion get married? Who's Hazel McCallion's married to? (Who's Hazel McCallion's husband / wife)?
Hazel McCallion Spouse: Sam McCallion (m. 1951–1997)
Hazel McCallion Books only: Hurricane Hazel: A Life with Purpose, Shape the Future : Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel : Discussion Paper
Does Hazel McCallion have any children? What are the names of Hazel McCallion's children? What are the ages of Hazel McCallion's children?
Hazel McCallion Children: Peter McCallion, Linda McCallion, Paul McCallion
Hazel McCallion Nationality: Canadian
Hazel McCallion Province: Ontario
Hazel McCallion Current position: Special Adviser on Municipal Affairs since 2019