Guy meets his dream girl in a bar and she gave him her phone number, but decided to make it an interesting challenge for him.
As cheesy as it might sound, love is probably the closest thing to magic that exists. Situations that would otherwise be "meh" or downright painful can feel like the greatest time of your life if you're in it with someone you're in love with. Waiting in line at the DMV with the person of your dreams is a heck of a lot better than being there alone, which is even better than being there with someone you're in a bad relationship with.
And what makes love so magical is that that spark with another person is either there or it isn't. Sure, you could have a great settlement relationship with somebody else that you have love for, but that lightning bolt, Hallmark Christmas Movie love, which certainly exists for some people, defies all logic.
There's that person who just knows how to say and do all the things that turn you into a cartoon character that smells pie on a window-sill and immediately starts floating towards it, and they feel the same exact way about you. But what are the chances of us actually meeting that person in our lives? Slim.
But it seems like this Twitter user's cousin may've just found their dream person.
My 22 year old cousin met his dream girl at a bar and it's going pretty well pic.twitter.com/ZrHB8rYuoV
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 17, 2023 Source: Twitter | @HenpeckedHalPopular comedy account @henpeckedhal wrote on the popular social media site: "My 22-year-old cousin met his dream girl at a bar and it's going pretty well."
He attached two photos to the tweet. The first was a screenshot of a text message conversation.
At 22 no one’s worth that
— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) January 17, 2023 Source: Twitter | @mom_tho"I met my soulmate last night," he wrote
"My man! Did you get her number?" Hal asked.
"Most of it," their cousin responded.
"How do you get most of a number?" Hal responded.
361-2904 would be my first guess for sure
— Bill Kirchhausen (@BillKirchhausen) January 17, 2023 Source: Twitter | @BillKirchausenHis cousin then responded with a picture of a cocktail napkin that read: "Call me! 512-3*1-2*04" she intentionally left out two of the digits, meaning that he'll have to try quite a few different number combinations before he manages to get her on the phone."
Why did he assume the * is a wild card and not a times symbol?
Maybe this is a PEMDAS test?
— David Pardo (@pardo_) January 17, 2023 Source: Twitter | @pardo_And judging from the second photo that Hal attached to the Tweet, it looks like he's already putting in the work of finding out what this woman's number is, methodically mapping out every single possible combination.
Hal's tweeted about this cousin in the past. 2 years ago this same guy went viral for the interesting way he cooks meat in his oven.
My 20 year old cousin got his own apartment and it's going pretty well pic.twitter.com/SaPSogpo0r
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) October 8, 2020 Source: Twitter | @HenpeckedHalTurns out that Hal's tweet ended up reaching Jackie, who DM'ed him on Twitter. Hal tried to save his cousin some heartache and get her phone number, but it's unclear as to whether or not she decided to cave or stick to her guns and make him figure it out.
Update 1/3: WE FUCKING DID IT! pic.twitter.com/ccQ1puS8OJ
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 18, 2023 Source: Twitter | @HenpeckedHalHal also responded to several other Twitter users who quipped that the woman is way too high maintenance for a 22-year-old looking for a relationship, but the comedian defended her.
2) For the people saying she's arrogant, high maintenance or whatever: these kids talked for an hour about a shared interest in true crime, mysteries, etc. My cousin bragged that he always solves the case before the show ends (editor's note: not this time). I think she's awesome.
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 18, 2023 Source: Twitter | @HenpeckedHalThere were a ton of people trying to help Hal's cousin out by compiling spreadsheets of various phone number combinations, in addition to digging into different area codes and coming up with other theories as to any clues she could've left for the phone number.
4) Lastly(?), to the internet sleuths who dug through area codes and exchanges, the programmers who sent scripts and code, the excel junkies who sent me docs to share with my cousin, y'all are wild. I couldn't come close to getting back to everyone, but I appreciate it. 🍻🍻🍻
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 18, 2023 Source: Twitter | @HenpeckedHalOne industrious sleuth pointed out that the asterisk symbol was the alternate character on the 8 key on a keyboard, suggesting that this combination might be the key to what her phone number could be.
Women are told to play hard to get because men like a “chase” and we shouldn’t be “easy,” and when this woman is *brilliantly* doing it, she’s arrogant. I don’t get it.
— Madi Spector • מאדי ספקטור مادي سبيكتور (@MadiSpector) January 19, 2023 Source: Twitter | @MadiSpectorPerhaps Hal should've blocked out the area code of the number at the very least. Since his tweet blew up, she might be forced to change her digits as there could be some folks on the web looking to solve the mystery for themselves.