When Kanye West revealed himself to be a Donald Trump supporter some fans of the rapper seemed shocked.
But they really shouldn’t have been.
After all, Trump and Ye are kindred spirits, two narcissistic peas in a pod who will say and do whatever it takes to remain in the spotlight.
Not surprisingly, Trump welcomed Kanye’s support, and the two of them bonded during a bizarre Oval Office meeting in which West described 45 as the father he’d never had.

(Which is weird for a ton of reasons, not the least of which is that Kanye’s dad is alive and well, and the two of them are quite close.)
These days, however, it seems that even the Donald is distancing himself from Ye, as the rapper’s outlandish behavior becomes more problematic by the day.
Yes, we didn’t think it was possible for anyone to earn the title “too crazy for Trump,” but Kanye has surprised us once again.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye is in the throes of what appears to be some sort of breakdown.
We say that not to excuse his actions in any way, but just out of a desire to understand what could drive this man to set fire to his own career and legacy by spewing hate and vitriol to anyone who will listen.
West has outed himself as an anti-semite who believes in bizarre conspiracy theories about how Jews are secretly manipulating world markets and mainstream media.

That sort of hateful insanity is usually right up Trump’s alley, but it seems that even the Donald wants nothing to do with Ye’s latest ramblings.
The first sign of trouble came when Trump withheld comment on Kanye’s recent stunts, including the rapper’s decision to wear a “White Lives Matter” shirt to a Paris Fashion Week event.
Trump comments on just about everything that appeals to his base, and since the ex-president has described Kanye as “a friend of mine for a long time,” the silence was deafening.

Now, insiders are telling Radar Online that Trump is not a fan of Kanye’s recent behavior.
They say Trump has complained that Kanye is acting “crazy” and needs professional “help.”
It’s uncommon for 45 to distance himself from any public figure who has supported him, and no one has praised Trump as effusively as Kanye.

Earlier this mont, West sat down with Tucker Carlson and told the Fox News host that he “started to really feel this need to express myself on another level when Trump was running for office and I liked him.”
West claimed he was cautioned by friends “that if I said I liked Trump that my career would be over, my life would be over.”

“They said stuff like people get killed for wearing a hat like that, they threatened my life,” West added.
“They basically said I would be killed for wearing the hat.”
Yes, Kanye risked it all for Trump, and now the guy won’t even take his calls.
As if 2022 weren’t bizarre enough already, now we have billionaire rappers getting treated like Steve Bannon!