How old is Craig R. Barrett? When is Craig R. Barrett's birthday? Where is Craig R. Barrett born? Where did Craig R. Barrett grow up from? What's Craig R. Barrett's age?
Craig R. Barrett Born: 1939 (age 84years), San Francisco, CA
Is Craig R. Barrett married? When did Craig R. Barrett get married? Who's Craig R. Barrett's married to? (Who's Craig R. Barrett's husband / wife)?
Craig R. Barrett Spouse: Barbara M. Barrett (m. 1985)
How about Craig R. Barrett's books only?
Craig R. Barrett Books only: The Principles of Engineering Materials
How about Craig R. Barrett's education?
Craig R. Barrett Education: Stanford University (1964), Stanford University
How about Craig R. Barrett's awards?
Craig R. Barrett Awards: IEEE Founders Medal
Does Craig Barrett have children?
Career. In 1994, Barrett was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for technical leadership in advancing quality and productivity through manufacturing technology in the semiconductor industry. Barrett served as the president of Intel starting in 1997 and its chief executive officer from 1998 to 2005.
When was Craig Barrett CEO of Intel?
Career. In 1994, Barrett was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for technical leadership in advancing quality and productivity through manufacturing technology in the semiconductor industry. Barrett served as the president of Intel starting in 1997 and its chief executive officer from 1998 to 2005.
Who was Barrett former CEO of Intel?
Career. In 1994, Barrett was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for technical leadership in advancing quality and productivity through manufacturing technology in the semiconductor industry. Barrett served as the president of Intel starting in 1997 and its chief executive officer from 1998 to 2005.