“Michelle is on top of Brad licking and making out with him,” Ashley grimaces. “I am in love with this guy and I have to watch him roll in the sand with another girl kissing on him,” Chantal says.
Initially, Brad finds the whole shoot “extremely hot,” but that doesn’t last long. “Michelle got a little aggressive, but I admit I got carried away,” Brad tells the cameras. “I think kissing Michelle went a little too far — I should have not allowed the kissing scene to happen.”
Then when Ashley gets the rose, Chantal breaks down in tears. “I love you, but honestly it gets put to the test,” Chantal cries to Brad. Brad has to convince Chantal to stay.
“I dont want her to feel that way at all,” Brad says. “Today has been nothing short of brutal.”
Luckily, the situation gets better when Brad finally decides to send Michelle packing during the rose ceremony.
Brad also sends Britt home during tonight’s episode. Now it’s down to four girls: Shawntel Newton, Emily Maynard, Chantal and Ashley.
What did you think of tonight’s episode of The Bachelor? Share your thoughts below.
– Lindsey DiMattina