Ashton Kutcher is a dumbass.
Not that we’re complaining, as we get to hear his innermost thoughts, all the time, and they are far from unfunny. But to do this to your wife? Asking for it.
The actor, who attended Bruce Willis’ wedding to Emma Heming Saturday in the Turks and Caicos Islands with wife Demi Moore, has taken to his Twitter page to dole out relationship advice to the masses. Among his sage words:

“For me it’s about relearning that supporting my wife isn’t about providing $ and Home, it’s about supporting her desires, needs and emotions.” How wise.
“Greatest lesson in my marriage. Don’t try to solve her problems, just listen, love and be supportive. This is the opposite of male nature.” Again, profound.
“2nd greatest lesson. When she says time for bed, hop to, good things await.”
Then, best of all, Ashton posted this picture of Demi Moore bending over in the bathroom, with the request, “Shhh. Don’t tell wifey.” His vantage point:
While this juvenile behavior isn’t quite as funny as his video rants about his neighbor’s construction, Stephen Colbert would still be proud that Ashton twatted this.